
At Reno Facial Pain & Sleep Group, we understand our patients are tired of being in pain. We strive to improve our community by improving access to care for patients suffering from facial pain and sleep disturbances. Our goal is to provide individualized care that is tailored to each patient’s unique needs and preferences. Let us help you get started on your path toward healing. If you have any questions about orofacial pain in Reno, Nevada, call Reno Facial Pain & Sleep Group today at 775-583-7755 and we will get you scheduled for an appointment with our orofacial pain practitioner.

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About Orofacial Pain

American Dental Association’s 12th Specialty

Historically, orofacial pain disorders fell into an ambiguous area between medicine and dentistry. Many patients were misdiagnosed, overtreated or undertreated. As a result, many felt neglected by their providers. Specialty status allows for improved access to care and a uniform standard of care for orofacial pain disorders.

With an estimated prevalence of 25-35% in the U.S., orofacial pain is one of the most common and complex ailments. The face is one of the most highly innervated structures in the human body and is responsible for daily functions and self-esteem. Due to the complexity of these pain conditions, delays in diagnosis and treatment accelerate the progression and centralization of pain. It also increases the risk of physical impairment, addiction, chronic pain behaviors and mental health disorders.

Orofacial pain became the 12th American Dental Association® (ADA) specialty in March 2020. It is the only ADA-recognized specialty with a curriculum in dental sleep medicine; sleep dentistry is currently not an ADA-recognized specialty. Orofacial pain practitioners are committed to an evidence-based mastery of the diagnosis, management and treatment of these disorders. They are also dedicated to providing and incorporating interdisciplinary care among dentists, physicians and other healthcare providers.

If you have questions or need additional information, please give us a call.



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The Scope of Care of Orofacial Pain Includes the Following

  • Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJD/TMD)
  • Myofascial pain syndrome & myalgia
  • Intraoral, intra/extracranial or systemic disorders causing facial pain
  • Neuropathic pain (including “atypical odontalgia,” trigeminal neuralgia/neuropathy, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, nervus intermedius neuralgia, etc.)
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalgias
  • Other Primary Headaches
  • Oromandibular movement disorders
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Other sleep disorders related to orofacial pain

Who Are ADA-Recognized Orofacial Pain Specialists?

ADA-recognized OFP specialists are those who have obtained training through one of the 12 CODA-approved residency programs or acquired equivalent hours in board-approved continuing education. These postdoctorate, clinically trained practitioners can achieve diplomate certification through the American Board of Orofacial Pain (ABOP). Diplomate status is awarded after successfully passing both written and oral board examinations.

While some orofacial pain practitioners work in private practice settings, there are many that are employed by hospitals and universities. Others are affiliated with oral surgery, neurology and pain anesthesiology offices. Orofacial pain practitioners utilize the medical model in the assessment of patients. This includes comprehensive history taking, complete examination of the head and neck, psychosocial screening, risk assessment, laboratory testing, diagnostic injections and collaboration with the patient’s health care providers.


Please have your health care provider fill out this form and return it to us either by email or fax. If you have any questions, please contact our office staff, and we will gladly assist you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you perform any general dentistry?

Dr. Faiek values his relationships with his referring providers and understands the importance of continuity of care. We recommend that patients continue all dental treatments with their current dental provider(s).

Do you prescribe opioids?

There are many medications that are safer and more effective than opioids in the treatment of orofacial pain disorders. Dr. Faiek can work with the patient’s pain management physician if pain control cannot be achieved with these medications.

I am a dentist with a neuropathic pain patient. Can I prescribe medication? If so, can you explain the procedure?

Due to the complexity of neuropathic pain, Dr. Faiek recommends that all patients have a consultation with an orofacial pain practitioner. Prescription doses need to be carefully monitored and titrated. Baseline blood work must be performed and followed with most medications. It is not uncommon for patients to be on more than one medication; it is of extreme importance to know of alternatives in the event there are medication interactions or medical contraindications.

I am a healthcare provider and would like to refer a patient. What documentation do you need?

The patient will need to fill out a records release and return it to your office. Please send copies of all relevant chart notes. This includes chart notes, imaging (please send a copy of all radiology reports), bloodwork, list of all relevant procedures (please send a copy of all sleep studies conducted in the past five years) and any other pertinent information. It is recommended that all documents be received at least 24 hours prior to the patient’s appointment. A follow-up progress note will be sent immediately after the patient’s appointment.

Are you a specialist in dental sleep medicine?

There is currently no ADA-recognized specialty of dental sleep medicine. However, the orofacial pain postdoctoral curriculum includes extensive clinical experience in dental sleep medicine.

Do you treat sleep apnea in children?

Please contact Dr. Faiek for additional information. Sleep disorders are frequently underdiagnosed in young children and can have dramatic effects in the child’s dentition, facial growth and mental status. If you or the parent suspects a sleep disorder, please document the frequency and severity and consider a polysomnography (PSG). If the parent has witnessed choking episodes or pauses in breathing, please refer the child for an in-lab pediatric sleep study immediately and request for all data to be interpreted by a sleep physician experienced in pediatric studies.